How to Improve Bounce Rate of Your website

Bounce rate is in inverse proportion to conversion rate.

It is a factor that determines the site’s search performances. Having increased bounce rate would reduce site’s search performances.
Luckily, here’s some tips on how you can improve the bounce rate on your website :

Content’s Readability

The main reason for readers to leave quickly your website is the lack of readability. If your content is not readable, it’s not relevant. However, you should avoid using large texts and incoherent fints and colors. A relevant header would attract more and provide the reader an idea of what the page is about. Bullet points are also great to make the reading more easy and comprehensible.


Rethink the pop-ups

70% web visitors find pop-ups irrelevant and annoying. If possible, try to avoid pop-ups. Otherwise, make them personalized and helpful. Also, don’t forget to make them simple to close

Appealing and clear call-to-Action (CTA)

Small details are very important. The CTA should be please to the eyes and be noticeable. It must be very distinct from any other link buttons on the web page.

Improving the page loading time

A web page should take on average 2 to 3 seconds to load. Above that, visitors are more likely to skip visiting your website, which results higher bounce rate. Besides, Google is very strict when it comes to ranking the websites in its search engine. You can improve your loading time by :

  • Checking the current speed of page loading.
  • Compressing images and removing the query strings from the static pages.
  • If you are using WP as your CMS, use the wp super cache to improve your load time.
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